Who can come along
We welcome anyone and everyone. Whether you’re a Christian looking for a church, just thinking through the Christian faith, or just curious for any other reason. We regularly have guests coming to church for the first time or the first time in a while. You’re welcome to join in with as much or as little of our services as you feel comfortable.
What do I have to wear?
Come as you are. Some dress more formally, some less. You don’t have to wear anything special and you won’t be asked to do anything strange!
How long to services last?
What’s on for my kids?
We have a fun, full and exciting programme each week for kids and youth across three age groups. Scramblers (baby/toddler creche), Explorers (nursery-P4), and Pathfinders (P5+ youth). Find out more here.
What’s Christianity all about?
What else do you believe?
We believe the Bible to be God’s word so our core convictions all flow from there. As the old catechism puts it ‘The Word of God, which is contained in the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is the only rule to direct us how we glorify and enjoy him’. We want the Bible, rather than our own opinions or the changing values of our culture, to set the agenda for life, faith and everything else. At the heart of the story of scripture is the happy and life changing news that God has sent a saviour, Jesus, to die in our place, offering us forgiveness and new life. As part of the Free Church of Scotland the Bible is our supreme authority with the Westminster Confession of Faith the ‘subordinate standard’ – which simply means we believe it to be an excellent summary of Bible doctrine.
The New City Catechism and the Westminster Shorter Catechism are great summaries of our faith in an easy-to-learn question and answer form.
Why do you sing psalms?
We believe the Bible to be God’s word so our core convictions all flow from there. As the old catechism puts it ‘The Word of God, which is contained in the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is the only rule to direct us how we glorify and enjoy him’. We want the Bible, rather than our own opinions or the changing values of our culture, to set the agenda for life, faith and everything else. At the heart of the story of scripture is the happy and life changing news that God has sent a saviour, Jesus, to die in our place, offering us forgiveness and new life. As part of the Free Church of Scotland the Bible is our supreme authority with the Westminster Confession of Faith the ‘subordinate standard’ – which simply means we believe it to be an excellent summary of Bible doctrine.
The New City Catechism and the Westminster Shorter Catechism are great summaries of our faith in an easy-to-learn question and answer form.
Why do you sing psalms?
The joy of knowing forgiveness in Jesus means that Christian people have always been singing people. The New Testament directs us to sing ‘Psalms, hymns and songs from the spirit’ (Ephesians 5:19). As the ‘songbook’ of the Bible the psalms are rich in the experiences of life and are a wonderful God-given aid to our praise, helping us bring our joys, sorrows, pains and problems to God in prayer and song. It’s therefore our joy and delight to sing metrical Psalms as well as ancient hymns and contemporary songs in our worship.
Why is some of your singing unaccompanied?
When it comes to sung worship the New Testament emphasises the priority of the human voice (Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16). We are to speak to one another, as well as to God, in our songs of worship and so congregational singing is key! For many decades the Free Church of Scotland preserved the priority of congregational singing by singing unaccompanied. It’s our joy and delight to continue this tradition in some of our songs of worship, as well as using more contemporary instruments.
Is your building available for hire?
Yes, for certain events we are able to hire out our premises. Please get in touch for more information.
What does ‘Free’ Church mean?
Within the Church of Scotland, the 1712 ‘Patronage Act’ allowed local landowners or patrons a huge say in the selection of Parish ministers. This often lead to ministers being ‘imposed’ on congregations against the wishes of the people. At the so-called ‘disruption; of 1843 a large number of evangelical ministers left the Church of Scotland to form the Free Church of Scotland, which was ‘Free’ in the sense of being free from this civil interference in church life.
What is the Free Church of Scotland?
We are a diverse collection of around 100 congregations all over Scotland, and over 13,000 people attend worship each week. The Church also has links to other denominations in North America, Africa, Asia and Australia. We have a full-time theological seminary in Edinburgh for the training of ministers and other Christian workers, and we are also involved with mission work in India, Latin America and South Africa.
How do you become a church member?
We joyfully encourage all who believe in Jesus Christ as saviour and Lord, and belong to our church family to express that commitment in church membership. More information on Church Membership can be found here…
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