God has been doing a work of church revitalisation here in Burghead. Some have come to Christ, others are ‘back to church’, and groups and activities for all ages have flourished. The renovation of our church building (completed in 2017) was a big step in that process. 

However, it’s now clear that our church halls badly need to undergo a similar transformation to resource ministry here for the next generation. They are damp, inflexible, lack storage / catering facilities, and are no longer fit for purpose.

The cost is large, in excess of £300,00. 

Could you pray for us and could you give to make this possible? 

If you would like to get involved, download our brochure for details on praying and giving. 


Click below to download our Building for the future brochure, with information on the project – including how to PRAY and GIVE

Gift Aid

If you are a UK tax payer and would like to contribute, please maximise your giving by filling in and returning the Gift Aid form – thank you! 

Contact Us

Click below to contact our Chris Harris (Treasurer) or Peter Turnbull (Minister). 

Our Community Work

Our work in the community covers everything from coffee mornings to craft evenings! We also have an extensive work with children and young people through our After School Club, Youth Club, and regular schools events. Our church halls are also the home of the ‘blessings box’ – a community food project for those in need. 

Current Church Halls

The buildings are extremely well used and have great potential for development but are, at present, in poor condition. They are old, damp, have a confusing layout, and lack modern facilities.