Join us as our Minister in Training, Davi de Paula preaches on the importance of gathering together as a church family.
Join us this week as our morning sermon series titled God’s Masterplan continues.
Join us this week for teaching on the meaning of submission in the Bible and its importance to marriage, family and work.
Join us this week as we hear teaching about the transforming work of Jesus who brings us out of a life of darkness into His glorious light.
What does it mean to take off our old self and put on our new self? Join us this week as we find out and continue to learn about God’s…
If you're tempted to think God’s masterplan isn’t working out, this week’s message is for you! Join us for teaching from Ephesians as we hear how God is working out…
Why is it so difficult for us to experience unity? What hope is there for bringing unity to a divided world? Join us this week as we learn about God’s…
Join us as for this sermon as Peter teaches from the second chapter of Ephesians. What is God's plan for us as individuals, and for us as a church?
Join us as we hear Peter teaching from Paul's letter to the Church in Ephesus, and we learn about the untold riches of God's glorious inheritance in His Masterplan.
Bible Text: Ephesians 2:1-22 | Preacher: Iain Alasdair Macdonald